Responding to reforms with AAQs

The evolving qualifications landscape holds new opportunities for centres, employers and learners.  

We've always made it our mission to be at the forefront of industry reforms and emerging qualifications. That's why we're excited to be adding Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) to our portfolio, ready for launch at the start of the 26/27 academic year.

What are AAQs?

AAQs are a new kind of qualification designed to help learners move into higher education with a greater sense of clarity and purpose. They sit alongside Technical Occupation Qualifications (TOQs) as part of significant reforms to the post-16 qualifications landscape.

Alternative Academic Qualifications are scholarly in nature and designed to support progression to further and higher education. So, if learners want to head to university, this is the route for them.

Technical Occupation Qualifications develop technical skills and some have an element of work experience to them. Learners who want to get into the workplace sooner rather than later are best taking this route.

AAQs come in two different sizes:

  • Small AAQs can feature between 150 and 420 Guided Learning Hours (GLH). Our small AAQs have been designed to be studied alongside A levels in a mixed study programme and have 360GLHs (equivalent to an A level).

  • Large AAQs can have either 720 or 1080GLHs and are designed to be studied on their own (1080GLH only) or alongside one A level (720GLH only).

Find out more about the differences between our AAQ offerings by downloading this quick reference guide.

What are the post-16 reforms?

Over the past few years, the Department for Education (DfE) has been reviewing the post-16 qualifications landscape to create a clearer and more streamlined system. Through extensive collaboration with stakeholders, it became evident that the current framework was causing confusion - learners struggled to understand how different qualifications supported progression, and employers found it difficult to identify candidates with the right skills. 

To address these challenges, a new system is being introduced, aiming to enhance the value of learning and strengthen pathways into careers. This process is already underway and follows a phased approach. 

Latest updates on Post-16 Reforms

Cycle 1 AAQs
The first set of AAQs approved by the DfE will proceed for first teaching in September 2025. 

Additional Cycle 1 AAQs
The DfE has approved a limited window for further AAQs to be added to Cycle 1 for first teaching in September 2026.

Curriculum & Assessment Review
full review of Level 3 and below qualifications has been put on hold while the DfE conducts a broader Curriculum & Assessment Review. The outcomes of this review are expected later this year. Cycle 2 AAQs and Large AAQs are on hold and being included in this review. 

What’s TQUK’s rollout plan for AAQs?

We couldn’t be more excited to get the ball rolling on AAQs and we’re looking forward to launching our suite, covering the following AAQs for first teach in September 2026 (subject to approval). 

September 2026

Cycle 1 Small AAQ Qualifications


Health & Social Care

IT & Computing

Sport & Exercise Science

Looking for support materials?

We’ve got you covered! For our AAQs first cycle and before teaching in September 2026 (subject to approval), we want to ensure you have everything you need regarding the AAQs that we’re developing.  

In providing you with everything you need, we’ll be publishing specifications for the qualifications below in April, so keep your eyes peeled! Download our latest AAQ factsheets below. 

Find out more about AAQs

Get to grips with AAQs, reforms and the new qualifications landscape with our free, downloadable quick reference guide.