How TQUK and Essential Teaching UK work together on Forces engagement 

Here at TQUK, we’re proud of the work we do helping people from all walks of life develop the knowledge and skills they need to get into and progress within the careers they want. We’re particularly delighted when we’re in a position to help those who have served the country in the Armed Forces. Returning to civilian life can have its challenges and it’s always an honour when we hear of how one of our qualifications has helped with the transition. But we also help in more direct ways. Recognising that the dedication, hard work and attention to detail that the Armed Forces demand are also requirements for End-Point Assessors, we team with Essential Teaching UK to provide a pathway for ex-service personnel from the Forces into Assessment. 

Who are Essential Teaching UK?

Essential Teaching UK are an independent education and training consultancy who focus on sustainable learning development. Working with organisations, schools, educational trusts and within the corporate arena, the company’s aim is to inspire the next generation of Teachers, Trainers, Assessors or Coaches through outstanding training. 

Led by Director of Education and Training, Gavin Lumsden, who has himself served in the Royal Navy and is now a Royal Navy Reservist, one of their key areas of focus is in providing pathways for ex-Forces personnel.

Through programmes such as Forces into Teaching, Essential Teaching UK empowers service men and women to develop the skills and experience they need to land roles within teaching. 

How are TQUK and Essential Teaching UK working together?

We’re proud to be half of a long-running partnership with Essential Teaching UK. Both our companies were set up at the same time (2013), and we’ve been working together pretty much ever since, with Essential Teaching UK running some of our Education and Training qualifications. We’re also working closely with Essential Teaching UK on Forces projects we get involved in. We understand how important it is to get insight from people who have real, hands-on experience of life in the Forces and after service, so we’re thrilled to get the input of Gavin and his team.

Best of all, our partnership gives us the opportunity to employ some of the former Forces personnel who Essential Teaching UK train. The team at Essential Teaching UK will help their learners develop all the knowledge and skills they need, and we’ll look to hire them as Assessors on our always-growing team. It’s a match made in heaven!

Gavin Lumsden said: ‘We’ve always had a brilliant relationship with Training Qualifications UK and are excited that it continues to grow. ‘With Essential Teaching UK providing the learning and TQUK offering suitable candidates roles as Assessors, it’s a fantastic arrangement for both our companies and, most importantly, for those returning to civilian life.’

TQUK’s End-Point Assessment Director, Kelle McQuade added: ‘Essential Teaching UK are an incredible company and it’s a privilege to be able to turn to them for their insight and expertise.‘Hiring Assessors who have studied Essential Teaching UK courses means we can be sure they have all the skills we need in order to provide robust Assessment experiences for our Apprentices.’

Find out more about Essential Teaching UK on their website, or follow them on FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter.


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