Top Tips for Timely End-Point Assessment

With the end of the academic year fast approaching, we’re here to help simplify the process of completing your apprentices’ end-point assessments before 31 July

In this blog, we will cover eight top tips on achieving timely end-point assessment, ensuring you have everything you need to help your apprentices complete their apprenticeships and step towards their dream careers without any delays. 

Registering apprentices

When you register apprentices, ensure they have an accurate expected gateway date. This helps us maintain sufficient resource levels and achieve our typical EPA completion timeframes. 

Gateway submissions

Getting gateway submissions right the first time is crucial to avoid delays. You can find out more on how to provide accurate apprentice data here

Factors to consider with practical observation-based assessments

If apprentices are completing a standard that includes a practical observation-based assessment, we recommend that consideration is given to: 

  • the type of activity/activities that need to be observed 

  • access to the workplace setting due to closures, etc.

Notifying us of subject areas

Where apprentices are working towards the Learning and Skills Teacher, Learner Mentor, Learning and Skills Mentor, Assessor Coach, or Learning and Skills Assessor standards, we must be notified of the subject area that they deliver as soon as possible. If these subject areas are not provided at registration or ahead of gateway, it may cause a delay in allocation and, therefore, risk the delivery timescale being upheld. 

Updating the external AO ID section

For apprentices on any of the education standards mentioned in the previous point above, please update the ‘External AO ID’ section under each apprentice’s profile with the subject area. This information should be provided at the point of registration; however, you can easily input it on EPAPro before submitting your apprentices through gateway. 

Providing accurate contact details

At the point of gateway submission, ensure that all contact details for the apprentice, On-Programme Assessor, and mentor are correct and up to date in EPAPro. Our End-Point Assessors use this information to get in touch with apprentices, so they must be accurate. 

Ensuring assessment planning meeting availability

Ensure apprentices are available to attend an assessment planning meeting within five days of being accepted through gateway, where these have been requested. Not every standard requires an assessment planning meeting, therefore the option to have one can be selected as you enter gateway.

Sticking to the EPA timeframe

And finally, make sure apprentices can complete their assessments within our outlined average timeframe. TQUK will, where possible, look to schedule assessments as soon as possible but late notice registration to gateway will cause delays. 

By sticking to these top tips and working together, we can help you achieve year-end success! 

For further guidance, please email our Customer Service Team at or call 03333 583 344.


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