Early Years Lead Practitioner

Version 1 – TQUK Level 5 End-Point Assessment for ST0551 Early Years Lead Practitioner (610/0974/X)

Funding: £8,000

Duration: 24 months

Level: 5

Number: ST0551

LARS Number: 655

Version: 1

Early Years Lead Practitioners can turn their hand to any number of scenarios. From arranging activities in playgroups and nurseries to taking care of those in need within hospitals and social care settings, apprentices within this role can enjoy broad horizons when they complete their course of learning. The role, of course, involves working with children up to the age of eight, but Early Years Lead Practitioners can also expect to liaise with parents and professionals from other child-focused agencies as they go about supporting the quality of learning and development in their setting. As part of their role, they're typically responsible for leading other practitioners and usually report directly to the head of the setting.

End-Point Assessment Components 

To complete their End-Point Assessment, Early Years Lead Practitioner apprentices must achieve a pass, merit or distinction in the following three components.

  • The End-Point Assessor observes the apprentice undertaking their normal duties in the workplace. The apprentice must be observed interacting with a group of children, leading/supervising colleagues, and communicating with parents/carers/guardians. The observation period lasts 60 minutes (+10%) and is followed by a question and answer session lasting 30 minutes (+10%).

  • This is a structured, two-way discussion between the apprentice and their End-Point Assessor. It lasts for 60 minutes (+10%) and is supported by a portfolio of evidence submitted at gateway. Questions are related to the KSBs assigned to this assessment method.

  • The apprentice submits a case study scope at gateway. On approval of the scope, the apprentice has 12 weeks to complete the case study, which must have a real benefit to the children and/or setting.

    The apprentice produces a 4,000-word (+/-10%) report and then presents it to their End-Point Assessor during a 40-minute presentation and questioning session. This is typically split into 20 minutes for the presentation and 20 minutes for questioning (+10%).


Assessment planning meetings for all apprentices

Results released within an average of 2 working days

Assessors make contact within 5 working days

Gateway submission reviewed within 24 hours

Assessor assigned after 24 hours of acceptance

Average gateway-to-completion of 6 weeks*

*unless otherwise stipulated by the assessment plan 

Learn more about this standard