Early Years Practitioner

Version 1 – TQUK Level 2 End-Point Assessment for ST0888 Early Years Practitioner (603/6241/8)

Funding: £4,000

Duration: 12 months

Level: 2

Number: ST0888

LARS Number: 550

Version: 1

Life’s never dull for the Early Years Practitioner. Their hands are kept full by fast-paced and varied work, which can take place in a range of settings: everything from children’s centres, pre-schools, playgroups and nursery schools to hospitals, social care settings, out-of-school environments and homes. Day-to-day life involves the planning and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programmes and, along with the children they care for, they typically engage with parents, colleagues and multi-agency professionals such as health visitors, social workers and speech and language therapists.

End-Point Assessment Components 

To complete their End-Point Assessment, Early Years Practitioner apprentices must achieve a pass or distinction in the following two components.

  • The professional discussion is a two-way discussion involving both the End-Point Assessor and the apprentice. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to make detailed and proactive contributions to confirm their competency across the KSBs assigned to this assessment component.

    The assessment lasts for 90 minutes with a minimum of 10 questions asked based on the End-Point Assessor’s review of the apprentice’s portfolio. Follow-up questions may be asked to assess the depth of the apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours, and authenticate their portfolio of evidence. It should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.

  • The knowledge test is a multiple-choice test that can be taken online or in a paper-based format. The assessment consists of 40 questions that test the knowledge criteria assigned to this component. The apprentice has 60 minutes to complete the test, which must be taken in a controlled environment.


Assessment planning meetings for all apprentices

Results released within an average of 2 working days

Assessors make contact within 5 working days

Gateway submission reviewed within 24 hours

Assessor assigned after 24 hours of acceptance

Average gateway-to-completion of 6 weeks*

*unless otherwise stipulated by the assessment plan 

Learn more about this standard