Ref: 610/2625/6
Level: 2
Sector: Functional Skills
Price: £16
GLH: 55
TQT: 60
Unleash linguistic excellence with TQUK’s Ofqual regulated Functional Skills qualifications in English at level 2.
These qualifications are designed to showcase learner potential and provide evidence of their ability to understand and successfully complete workplace-related content. Learners will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their competence in English by applying their knowledge and problem-solving skills to real-life scenarios.
Upon successful completion of the Functional Skills qualifications in English at level 2, learners can use them as a foundation to progress into employment or further technical education.
Functional Skills qualifications in English at level 2 provide qualifications for work, study, and life.
The achievement of each qualification demonstrates learners’ ability at an appropriate level to read, write, speak, listen and communicate in English, and to apply these skills effectively to a range of purposes in the workplace and in other real-life situations.
Support materials
Further support materials for our Functional Skills qualifications are available to support you and your learners throughout the journey.
Assessment materials
Speaking, Listening and Communicating (SLC)