Learning and Development Practitioner
Version 1 – TQUK Level 3 End-Point Assessment for ST0562 Learning and Development Practitioner (603/3867/2)
Funding: £6,000
Duration: 18 months
Level: 3
Number: ST0562
LARS Number: 326
Version: 1
Learning and Development (L&D) Practitioners help professionals take their skills to the next level. They have expertise in a particular educational field, whether that be technical, vocational or behavioural, and use that knowledge to design and deliver training programmes that will help people build on their abilities and businesses improve performance. L&D Practitioners can work in a wide range of organisations in the public, private or third sectors, so the role is well-suited to people who like broad horizons in their career.
End-Point Assessment Components
To complete their End-Point Assessment, Learning and Development Practitioner apprentices must achieve a pass or distinction in the following two components.
The apprentice completes a work-based project, which takes the form of an executive summary-style report of 2250 words (+/- 10%). It requires the implementation of a learning and development solution to a real business problem and should be based on the apprentice’s work experiences in order to show how they’ve demonstrated aspects of the standard’s knowledge, skills and behaviours. The project is submitted one month prior to the end of the five-month End-Point Assessment period.
The Professional Discussion takes 60 minutes (+/- 10%) and addresses the work-based project. The Assessor asks the apprentice between eight and ten open questions that complement the work done in the project, testing its contents and the apprentice’s competence.
Between two and seven hours of video evidence of delivery is also required.
Apprentices are asked to write a learning journal for the duration of their programme until the gateway stage. The aim of this journal is to provide them with an opportunity to reflect on activities where key learning has taken place. Entries can include any number of media, including blogs, diaries and social media posts.
The 20-minute presentation provides the opportunity to demonstrate attained knowledge, skills and behaviours, and use examples from the journal to show evidence and lessons learned. The presentation should cover three examples from the journal that best demonstrate how the apprentice has developed their learning and development practices and/or how they developed their understanding of best practice in a particular area.
The presentation is followed by a 25-minute Q&A session conducted by the Assessor.
Assessment planning meetings for all apprentices
Results released within an average of 2 working days
Assessors make contact within 5 working days
Gateway submission reviewed within 24 hours
Assessor assigned after 24 hours of acceptance
Average gateway-to-completion of 6 weeks*
*unless otherwise stipulated by the assessment plan