Learning and Skills Assessor
Version 1.1 – TQUK Level 3 End-Point Assessment for ST1380 Learning & Skills Assessor (610/2928/2)
Funding: £5,000
Duration: 12 months
Level: 3
Number: ST1380
LARS Number: 695
Version: 1.1
See Versions 1.0 | 1.1
This page describes the latest version of the Learning and Skills Assessor standard (version 1.1), which came into force in September 2023. This version revised the assessment plan. Version 1 is still used for apprentices who started between 31st March 2023 and 11th September 2023. For more information, please visit the IfATE’s website.
Learning and Skills Assessors help people achieve their personal and professional goals by assessing them against agreed standards of competence. They plan, conduct assessment activities and record and report on assessment decisions, working with learners, quality assurance practitioners, teaching and delivery professionals and other relevant stakeholders where necessary. As such, excellent people skills are vital in this role as is a keen attention to detail and the ability to adapt to change.
End-Point Assessment Components
To complete their End-Point Assessment, Learning and Skills Assessor apprentices must achieve a pass or distinction in the following two components.
In the observation with questions, the End-Point Assessor observes the apprentice in their workplace and asks questions. The assessment must take place under normal working conditions (simulation is not allowed) so the apprentice can accurately demonstrate the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours. It lasts 1.5 hours (+10% at the discretion of the Assessor) and is comprised of two 30 minute live observations and 30 minutes of questioning.
The professional discussion is a formal two-way conversation held between the apprentice and their End-Point Assessor. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours mapped to this assessment method. The assessment lasts for 75 minutes (+10% at the discretion of the Assessor) and at least 12 questions must be asked. The apprentice can refer to and illustrate their answers with evidence from their portfolio of evidence.
Assessment planning meetings for all apprentices
Results released within an average of 2 working days
Assessors make contact within 5 working days
Gateway submission reviewed within 24 hours
Assessor assigned after 24 hours of acceptance
Average gateway-to-completion of 6 weeks*
*unless otherwise stipulated by the assessment plan
Gateway Requirements
Portfolio of Evidence