Poultry Technician
Version 1 – TQUK Level 3 End-Point Assessment for ST0467 Poultry Technician (610/2112/X)
Funding: £6,000
Duration: 18 months
Level: 3
Number: ST0467
LARS Number: 331
Version: 1
A Poultry Technician oversees the management and control of a complex poultry farming site or operational agriculture (hatchery) unit. This includes responsibility for the performance and results of their site, covering the welfare of animals throughout their life and compliance at all times with hygiene, safety, and bird welfare legislation. Agriculture offers exciting and varied careers in the UK and abroad, and businesses within the industry range from small family farms to large integrated organisations working across the entire food supply chain.
End-Point Assessment Components
To complete their End-Point Assessment, Poultry Technician apprentices must achieve a pass or distinction in the following three components.
The short answer knowledge test consists of 20 questions. The apprentice is given a maximum of 60 minutes to complete the test, which must take place in a controlled environment.
A temporary dispensation has been applied to the assessment plan version ST0467/AP01 for this apprenticeship. This dispensation will replace the observational practical assessment (OPA) with an extended question-and-answer (Q&A) session informed by specific video and photographic evidence to set requirements.
The observational practical assessment is conducted at the apprentice’s workplace or a similar workplace. The apprentice is expected to complete the activity and demonstrate the core and breeding skills assigned to this assessment method. The observational practical assessment lasts three hours.
Apprentices are required to collate video/photographic evidence following EPA gateway. Each task requires video evidence to be a maximum of 15 minutes in length and captured in the workplace or other suitable environment.
The video and photographic evidence is reviewed by the apprentice and the End-Point Assessor during the question-and-answer session, which lasts a maximum of two hours.
Lasting 60 minutes (+/- 10%), the interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from the apprentice through questions and responses. It’s a two-way conversation between the Assessor and the apprentice, where the Assessor seeks replies from the apprentice based on their specific subject or role.
Assessment planning meetings for all apprentices
Results released within an average of 2 working days
Assessors make contact within 5 working days
Gateway submission reviewed within 24 hours
Assessor assigned after 24 hours of acceptance
Average gateway-to-completion of 6 weeks*
*unless otherwise stipulated by the assessment plan
Gateway Requirements
Portfolio with a Project